Dutch and Cheryl: texasliving.com

Peter and Lisa T.

As you know, we first listed our home for sale with other Realtors. It soon became evident that they did not have experience in selling a large, residential property with horse facilities in the Pilot Point area. After receiving several recommendations for you, we listed the home with you.We had lived in it only a year, but had built a pool, barn, arena and pastures and wanted to recoup our investment. To make it more difficult, after a short while, we packed up our furniture and left for Mexico. The home was yours to worry about and take care of. You not only found a buyer , you managed the completion of the transaction, including getting inspections and doing repairs after an especially rainy season.To cap it off, I am told that the new owners love the property. Their experience seems to have been as positive as ours was. We’ll recommend you to anyone!!